Constellation – Ursa Major

Astronomy Digital Picture – 16 seconds, ISO 400, 6.3mm f/2.8, on 29 Dec 2006 05:35Am, Lakshmisagara.

13 Jan 2007

Constellation - Ursa Major (Saptarshi Mandala)

It is one of the widely known non zodiac constellation, its third largest constellation in the sky.

There are many interesting mythological stories on this constellation. Ursa Major means Great Bear in Latin.

Hindu mythology – Saptarishi Mandala is a group of seven stars named after seven sages. The individual stars are Marichi, Vasishta, Angirasa, Atri, Pulatsya, Pulaha and Kratu. Vashishta and his wife, Arundhathi can be seen together.

Greek mythology did not consider Ursa Major a bear, and instead its 3 bright stars (situated in the tail) were seen as apples growing on a tree !

According to Mongolian mythology, seven brothers (now stars) went to forest to learn how to read the winds. Later the youngest of the seven sisters of pleiades fall in love with one of the brother. Mizar and his love are now together. since younger sister left her other sisters explains why there are only six stars in the Pleiades.

Tomorrow’s picture – The sparkling star of night sky – Sirius

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