The Northern Crown, Corona Borealis.

January 18, 2007

Astronomy Digital Picture – 16 seconds, ISO 400, 28mm f/3.2, on 14 Jan 2007 11:04PM, Lakshmisagara.

18 Jan 2007

The Northern Crown, Corona Borealis.

Corona Borealis is a small northern constellation whose main stars form a semicircular arc. The seven stars that make up the crown are not terribly bright, except for Gemma (Alphecca). There are many fine binaries, an unusual variable, and an extremely faint cluster of galaxies(around mag. 17)

Mythology – In ancient Athens there lived the Minotaur, a monster half man half bull. The Athenians were supposed to offer some of their young men and women each year to the beast, otherwise, he would terrorize the city. The Minotaur resided in the labyrinth of Crete. One year, Ariadne’s lover Theseus was chosen as one of the unfortunate to be offered to the Minotaur. Theseus was determined not to die and vowed to kill the monster. He killed the monster and married Ariadne, he later deserted her. The gods felt pity for her and gave her a beautiful crown which after her death, was placed in the sky.

Tomorrow’s picture – Light Year.