Constellation Cassiopeia.

January 29, 2007

Astronomy Digital Picture – Photograph from a normal digital camera, and a short summary of the photo

29 Jan 2007

Constellation Cassiopeia.

Beautiful constellation at the edge of the Milky Way. Seen as shape of a “W” or “M”. Sweeping this region with binoculars is rewarding. Cassiopeia has many fine binaries, a few variables and several interesting deep sky objects.

Mythology – Cassiopeia has been the wife of Cepheus and the mother of Andromeda, because she thought herself more beautiful than the daughters of Nereus (a god of the sea) she challanged the anger of the god Poseidon. To punish her, her daughter was chained to a rock of the coast as a sacrifice for a sea monster. Andromeda was saved from death by Perseus. To learn humility Cassiopeia was banned to the sky hanging half of the time head downward.

Tomorrow’s picture – Beehive Cluster