~ Know Me ~


I’m Naveen L N, 28 years old, working as a software engineer @ Bangalore. India

During 1992-93, I developed interest in astronomy, started studying about solar system, comets, stars and universe. Sometime in 2004, I merged my hobbies photography and astromony, to land into a new hobby astrophotography !

I was introduced to ABAA, and got to know some good people and learnt how-to in astronomy, telescope making and sky observations.

I had oppertunity to interact with
Mrs. RathnaShree, Director Planetarium Delhi.
Mr. Arvind C. Ranade, Scientist – C, Vigyan Prasar. Noida.
Mr. Arvind Paranjpye, IUCCA. Pune.

I had been a student of Taralaya Bangalore., where I learnt many aspects of astronomy from Dr. Shylaja.

I have held many public talks for all age group audiance, schools and colleges. Some of the topics were,

1994 Partial Solar Eclipse @ Bangalore.
1994 Comet Shoemaker-Levy 9.
1996 Comet Hyakutake.
1997 Comet Hale-Bopp.
Solar System.
Life cycle of Star / Stellar evolution.
Comets and Asteroids.
2004 Venus transit.

Currently an active member of Bangalore Astronomical Society – http://www.bas.org.in

6 Responses to ~ Know Me ~

  1. Priyanka says:

    Cool Website !! Keep up the good work 🙂

  2. Sudha says:

    Hi Naveen!

    Good work! keep it up…:-)


  3. Amith says:

    Hi Naveen,

    Dreams are like seeds. It is not only the time, but also other factors play major role for the seeds to grow into a tree.

    Your hard work is really appreciable!


  4. Karthik.V.M. says:

    Hi Naveen,
    Good initiative. Kudos.I am a avid lover of cosmology. Let your work kindle interest in the young minds toward astronomy.


  5. Naveen Chandra R says:

    Hi Naveen, This is really a cool blog and will definitely inspire a lot of beginners like me.
    Here’s my first try at astrophotograhy…

    Saturn 092 (Small)


  6. Pallavi says:

    Hey naveen great website dude….keep up the great work and post all the photos that u have clicked 🙂

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