Submit Your Images


How do I submit an image to Astronomy Digital Picture of the Day ?
Your can submit the photo with the following details to

Your Name:
E-mail Address:
Image Title:
Web Address:
Location (where did you take the photo?):
Date & Time (when did you take the photo?):
Equipment (what telescope and/or camera and/or mount did you use?):
Description (describe what your photo shows in no more than 100 words.):

May I submit more than one image?
To have equal oppertunities to all, Please submit the best of your photograph one per week.

What is the maximum file size I may upload?
Images only in JPEG or GIF format. max size 200Kb

Will you use my image ?
We can’t guarantee that your work will be included, but we can promise you that every submission receives careful consideration.

Do I still own the rights to my image after I submit it?
Absolutely. You retain the copyright to your image. You also grant the permission to post your photo on the blog.

Will I be Paid for my submission?
Sorry, we don’t pay for submissions to the site. Your participation is strictly on a volunteer basis.

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